International Coaching Week (ICW)
May 16-22, 2016
During this week, coaches around the world offer a variety of activities and pro bono services in their local communities to share coaching’s impact. From educational sessions, to coaching demonstrations to panel discussions, ICW offers something for everyone. Originally started in 1999 by ICF Member Jerri N. Udelson, MCC, ICW educates the public about the value of working with a professional coach and acknowledges the results and progress made through the coaching process. The International Coach Federation is a proud sponsor of ICW. Coaches around the world are encouraged to participate by holding special events locally. Professional coaching is a powerful experience that is shifting corporate culture from command and control to collaboration and creativity. Coaching is developing stronger leaders, better communicators, more productive employees and increasingly positive people.
As the 2005 President of International Coach Federation (ICF) San Diego Chapter, San Diego Professional Coaches Alliance (SDPCA), Sheryl Roush states, “We’ve taken pride as a cutting-edge leader of this education and service for decades now. Lives are changed as a result of quality mentoring and coaching. I hire coaches myself! Being a professional coach since 1990, my expertise has grown from merging my areas of experience, credentials and more so, passion!” Bio here.
Receive a FREE 15-minute coaching call with Sheryl Roush, at, or click here.
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