Are you an experienced speaker and want to capitalize on your content?
Are you starting in the business of professional speaking?
Grab you pen — this interview is for YOU!
“The Business of Speaking”
Sheryl Roush, CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., was interviewed on Women Leading the Way BlogTalk Radio regarding “The Business of Speaking” (February 1, 2016) by Debra Simpson for Connected Women of Influence.
In this high-content interview, listeners learn:
* How to capitalize (and monetize) content
* Considerations when starting a speaking business
* 10 Things speakers need for the business of speaking
* 5 Common mistakes made in the business of speaking
* Tips and best practices for success in the business
Download the MP3 audio file here:
The Business of Speaking with Sheryl Roush,
or paste this link in your browser

Sheryl Roush
For more About Sheryl Roush about Presentations by Sheryl Roush, and Speak And Market Like A Pro™ coaching.