speaking tips

Using Mind Mapping to Craft Your Presentation

Watch this Speak Like A Pro session on Using Mind Mapping to Easily Craft a Presentation!

In this insightful program, you will:

• Learn tips to save time crafting ANY type of presentation
• Discover how to quickly SORT your thoughts
• Revisit HOW you organize, and FINISH a speech

View the video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOBi6xC9ERU

HANDOUT: Mindmapping Worksheet-Sheryl Roush

CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Sheryl Roush has given well over 3,500 onsite presentations in 12 countries, add to that virtual presentations since 2012.

As a speaking coach, she started the Speakers Bureau for the US Olympic Training Center in San Diego… training Olympians to share their stories. She has also trained the lecture team for Deepak Chopra.

In Toastmasters, she is honored with the elite Accredited Speaker designation, earned for outstanding public speaking skills, which was judged in six categories of presentations. Since 1981, there have been only 88 honorees in 143 countries, and Sheryl was the youngest woman to earn the credential in 1993.

A 17-time published author, the Heart of a Toastmaster book, sanctioned by Toastmasters International, received “Best Anthology” from the International Book Awards.

For more information about the speaker, please visit https://sherylroush.com

The Speaking Business: Setting Your Fees

The most difficult part of the speaking business, Sheryl Roush provides insights into charging fees, or free “pro bono” engagements for your speaking services.

Live Virtual Workshop conducted by Sheryl Roush, January 2, 2021.

YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7aHV0JMsE8&feature=youtu.be

Email for the 1/2/2021 Handout – Sheryl@SherylRoush.com 

#SpeakingBusiness #SpeakingFees #VirtualPresentations #SherylRoush #SpeakLikeAPro #MarketLikeAPro #SpeakAndMarketLikeAPro


How to Get Paid for Speaking … by solving problems

Follow your dream…. Sheryl Roush addresses WHO will PAY you to speak/train/consult?  Tips for finding the match!

Live Virtual Workshop conducted by Sheryl Roush, January 2, 2021.

YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijmwlOegte4&t=1s

Email for the 1/2/2021 Handout – Sheryl@SherylRoush.com

#SpeakingBusiness #Toastmasters #Marketing #VirtualTraining #VirtualWorkshops #SherylRoush #SpeakLikeAPro #MarketLikeAPro #SpeakAndMarketLikeAPro

SEMINAR January 24, 2018: Speak And Market Like a Pro!™

Would you like easy tips for crafting effective marketing?
Need to design (or freshen-up) your speaker one-sheet?
Want to know how to use Toastmasters Accredited Speaker Program to accelerate your success?

In this fast -paced “how to” session, you will get answers to each of these questions, discover what you need to promote your business, AND be inspired on becoming a PAID speaker. View design samples, gain tips and insights you can use immediately, and take away a handout to get you started!



Sheryl Roush, DTM, Past District Governor, Accredited Speaker, started her first advertising business at age 16, and has owned 5 graphic design award-winning studios. She generously shares over four decades of experience with us in marketing, photography, printing, publishing and graphic design. Adding to that 25 years as a professional speaker and speaking coach. With over 3,500 programs presented in 12 countries, she knows what it takes to be successful as a speaker, trainer, author, coach/consultant. Both the LA and San Diego chapters of the National Speakers Association have awarded Sheryl their Member of the Year, as well as the Golden Microphone Award from the LA Chapter. Chapters across North America have Sheryl present on speaker marketing materials and creating one-sheets. She is an active 30-year member of Toastmasters, a Presidential Citation awardee, a 17-time author, the 2016 Author of Influence, and proud author of our award-winning Heart of a Toastmaster book. Sheryl is also the lead mentor and world headquarters liaison for those pursuing the Accredited Speaker professional designation from Toastmasters. The San Diego Professional Coaches Alliance elected her as President for 2018. Sheryl is CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., based in San Diego, and founder of the Speak And Market Like A Pro!™ system.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018, 6:00-9:00pm

Mesa Verde United Methodist Church, 1701 Baker St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

FREE EVENT – Open to the general public.




Participate in the 7 Ways to Speak And Market Like A Pro eBook!


I’m inspired to write my next book… and would love for YOU to participate in the content!

7 Ways to Speak And Market Like A Pro
The book is a GUIDEBOOK and will be offered FREE so YOU will get a PDF copy of it (whether you participate in it or not)!

You can even click over and reserve your copy of the book now, at https://speakandmarketlikeapro.com/

Please reply with your responses to and or all of the following questions:

  • In your life (now or in the past) when you have needed to speak (introducing yourself at a networking meeting, giving a speech, sharing your ideas, etc.) what are/were your greatest challenges in Public Speaking?
  • And how did you overcome them? What thoughts, tips, techniques work for you?


  • In your business (or when promoting an event or cause, etc.) what are your greatest challenges in Marketing? (social media, print marketing, or other)
  • What did you find provided you the best results?

OFFER YOUR INPUT PLEASE, before April 7, 2017.
Subject Line: eBook Contribution
Email Sheryl@SherylRoush.com

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